You can use your referral link above to invite your friends into the community and get a 50% discount on all the recipes in this workshop.
Thank you for creating an account with us!
We are happy that you are here and would like you to stay with us longer to learn pastry art and maybe also create a small business yourself.
Our goal is to create a community of like-minded people who would support small businesses like this and also prevent mass production from poisoning our systems and the souls of humankind.
To help us work and create more content, you can support the studio by doing one of the following:
- Become a patron on Patreon;
- Make a donation through PayPal;
- Support by purchasing pastry merch;
- or just buy a supportive cup of coffee!
Just click on the option you like the most, and it will get you to the place where you can do it!
Thank you for creating with us!
Steps to follow:
- Find the recipe you want to recreate on this website or my Instagram account. If you see the dessert you want on Social Media and cannot find it in our store – send your request to [email protected]
- On the left side of the workshop page, there’s a menu where you can choose a different currency if you wish.
- Add all the recipes you want into your shopping bag and press the checkout button. In case you are our Patron or you shopping with the Gift Card, please don’t forget to use your discount coupon code!
- Check your email as there should be a letter from us with all the links to the recipes!
- Download the pdf file and open it on your device (or print it out if you prefer to have a paper version)!
- Read the recipe through and make sure you understand the text perfectly.
- We’ve added some links to our recipes that not only take you to Amazon to get the needed ingredient or tool but at least give you some idea of what is meant to be used for working with a recipe. However, if you have any questions you can visit Tips&Tricks and Q&A sections on this website. Still don’t hesitate to contact us if you cannot find the answer: you can do it through any social media platform or email.
- Follow the instructions in the recipe file. Never panic! If you think that something is wrong make sure you read and understand the instructions.
- Be patient with yourself! After all, you are creating a masterpiece!
- Have fun creating and share your creativity and inspiration with others! (You can tag your work with @sweetartworkshop on social media and get mentioned in @marijacrow account.)
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